How We Can Help
The Winfield Community Foundation has three primary areas of interest:
We work with donors to establish permanently endowed funds.
We provide grants for community programs, projects and needs.
We are a community leader and convener.
At the Winfield Community Foundation, we believe that Winfield is a great place to live that gets better all the time.
Part of what makes Winfield great is our commitment to each other. This is a place where people care. Where people want every neighborhood to prosper, every school to thrive, every child to flourish . . .
Not just their own.
The Foundation was founded by Winfield residents who believed in the future of our community — and we continue to serve that future.
We want to make it easier for the people of Winfield to help each other.
We’re working to determine our community’s greatest needs; to build up its nonprofits; and to find new ways for people to come together to give.